Dr Sergey Alexandrov of TOMI-NUI Galway gave an invited talk at the ICTON 2019 conference in Angers, France. ICTON 2019 took place from July 9th-13th 2019. At the 3rd Workshop on Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging and Sensing, Sergey’s talk entitled “Label free ultra-sensitive imaging with sub-diffraction spatial resolution” was delivered. This research presentation encompassed the work of an international collaboration of Sergey Alexandrov1, Nandan Das1, James McGrath1, Peter Owens2, Colin J. R. Sheppard3, Francesca Boccafoschi4, Cinzia Giannini5, Teresa Sibillano5, Hrebesh Subhash6, and Martin Leahy1 .

ICTON is the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. The complete programme for the five-day conference can be found here.

The corresponding manuscript will be published in IEEE-Xplore Proceedings.


1School of Physics, National University of Ireland, University Rd., Galway, Ireland

Tel: (353) 91 49 5350, e-mail: 

2Centre for Microscopy & Imaging, National University of Ireland, University Rd., Galway, Ireland

3Department of Nanophysics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via Morego 30, Genova, 16163, Italy

3Department of Health Sciences, University of Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, 28100 Novara, Italy

5Institute of Crystallography, National Research Council, via Amendola 122/O, Bari 70126

6Colgate-Palmolive Global Technology Center, 909 River Road, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA