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2908, 2022

STARSTEM final review meeting held online 9th August 2022

August 29th, 2022|News, Partner Interview, STARSTEM|

As the STARSTEM project comes to an end, we wrapped up the project with a project review meeting. The STARSTEM team gathered online on 9th of August and hosted our project Monitor, who provides expert feedback to the EC about our project.

Project Coordinator Prof. Martin Leahy, of TOMI-NUI Galway welcomed the team and provided an overview of our achievements over the past project period and across the entire project. We were happy to share how STARSTEM has achieved its ambitious objectives. Discussion focused on nanostar optimisation and production; the production and labelling of cell therapies within STARSTEM, […]

3006, 2022

Final STARSTEM plenary meeting hosted by ICFO, Barcelona

June 30th, 2022|Dissemination, News, Partner news, Plenary meeting|

The STARSTEM team came together in Barcelona for our final plenary meeting on the 22nd and 23rd of June 2022. The meeting was hosted by Ignacio de Miguel and the team at ICFO.

Ignacio de Miguel and Coordinator Martin Leahy of NUI Galway opened the meeting, welcoming the team and thanking everyone for their collaboration during the course of the project.

STARSTEM uses nanotechnology to understand how stem cells and extracellular vesicles (EVs) lead to healing. The STARSTEM nanostar will help unlock the hallmarks of the healing process. This new knowledge will give researchers and doctors […]

2505, 2022

“Imaging Light in Medicine” with Dr Joshua Kaggie, #LivefromLucy International Day of Light

May 25th, 2022|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer|

Dr Joshua Kaggie, in collaboration with the Lucy Cavendish College – University of Cambridge, gave a talk to celebrate the UNESCO International Day of Light.  Dr Kaggie is a key member of the STARSTEM team, who brings a wealth of expertise in ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging’ or ‘MRI’. In this talk, Dr Kaggie talked about different kinds of light and how they are used in medicine.

In this virtual talk, Dr Kaggie discussed the many different kinds of light and how we use these in medicine. When we think of light, we think about the light that we can see. There are […]

2305, 2022

‘Science for Ukraine’ and ‘Horizon for Ukraine’ portals open for displaced researchers

May 23rd, 2022|Knowledge transfer, News, Related Project News|

Two new portals have recently been launched to present research opportunities for scientists from Ukraine.

The first is ‘Science for Ukraine’ which includes a world map and a count of jobs for researchers from Ukraine,

Secondly, Ukraine researchers can access the ‘Horizon for Ukraine’ database of positions for researchers,

Displaced researchers or other specialists from Ukraine can search here for opportunities to become involved in ongoing EU-funded research & innovation projects. Our partner institutions and partnering countries have posted vacancies there. For example, see the screenshot below for positions in Ireland. These opportunities are announced by beneficiaries in such projects. Here, a […]

305, 2022

Sergey Alexandrov, Soorya James and Niamh Duffy at MSI/SMS Joint Symposium Galway 2022

May 3rd, 2022|Conference presentation, Dissemination, STARSTEM|

Dr Sergey Alexandrov, Soorya James and Niamh Duffy recently presented their work in STARSTEM at the MSI/SMS Joint Symposium in Galway.

The meeting ran from the 6th to the 8th of April 2022 in Galway, Ireland. The symposium was hosted by the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and brought together around 200 researchers from around the world for discussions on microscopy themes such as advances in image analysis, instrumentation development, life and physical sciences, along with many other microscopy applications.

Sergey Alexandrov, Senior Research Fellow […]

2704, 2022

Congratulations to Dr William Hotham

April 27th, 2022|News, Partner news, STARSTEM|

Well done to Dr William Hotham for passing his PhD viva examination. William completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge as part of the STARSTEM project.

On Tuesday the 29th of March William successfully defended his thesis “ MSC derived EV in regenerative medicine” After a 4 hour defense William passed subject to minor corrections. The examiners were Dr Tim Williams (Cambridge University) and Dr Oksana Kehoe (Keele University).

The Viva experience is difficult to describe, defending the last 3 and a half years work but overall the discussions were in depth and enjoyable. It […]

2504, 2022

STARSTEM publication news – Simple Characterization Scheme for Optical Coherence Tomography Systems With Application to a Commercial and a Near-Isometric Resolution Fibre-Based System

April 25th, 2022|Dissemination, Partner news, Publication|

We are happy to share news of a recent STARSTEM publication – Simple Characterization Scheme for Optical Coherence Tomography Systems With Application to a Commercial and a Near-Isometric Resolution Fibre-Based System.

Rajib Dey and team members from TOMI at NUIG recently had this journal article published in the IEEE Photonics Journal. The journal publishes top-quality research at the forefront of Photonics.

We asked the team to discuss their work  –

What were you aiming to find out?

Development and characterization of the high resolution spectral domain OCT (SDOCT) system using broadband supercontinuum laser.

Why is […]

1204, 2022

STARSTEM publication news – Segmentation of Knee MRI Data with Convolutional Neural Networks for Semi-Automated Three-Dimensional Surface-Based Analysis of Cartilage Morphology and Composition

April 12th, 2022|Dissemination, Publication, STARSTEM|

Congratulations to Dr Joshua Kaggie, Dr Stephen McDonnell and the team at the University of Cambridge on the acceptance of their article for publication in Osteoarthritis Imaging.

Their article, “Segmentation of Knee MRI Data with Convolutional Neural Networks for Semi-Automated Three-Dimensional Surface-Based Analysis of Cartilage Morphology and Composition is currently in press. The objective of this work is to assess automatic segmentations for surface-based analysis of cartilage morphology and composition on knee magnetic resonance (MR) images. You can read the pre-proof online here.



404, 2022

STARSTEM young researchers at the MSI/SMS Joint Symposium Galway 2022

April 4th, 2022|Conference presentation, Partner news, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM will be represented by our young researchers at the upcoming MSI/SMS Joint Symposium – NUIG 2022. The meeting, which is jointly run by the Microscopy Society of Ireland (MSI) and the Scottish Microscopy Society (SMS), will run from the 6th to the 8th of April 2022 in Galway, Ireland. The symposium is hosted by the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and will bring together researchers from around the world for discussions on microscopy themes such as advances in image analysis, instrumentation development, life and […]

2801, 2022

STARSTEM consortium meets for January 2022 plenary

January 28th, 2022|News, Plenary meeting|

The STARSTEM team met online on January 13th for our plenary discussions. All Work Packages presented strong progress, with particular exciting data from small-animal and large pre-clinical model work. Excellent foundations for strong publications!
The project has been extended by six months (to June 2022) to overcome some of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This will enable the team to complete our ambitious work on tracking therapeutic cells and cell products in arthritis models.
We are now looking ahead and thinking about how best to build on our success with a follow-up project.
2511, 2021

iThera Medical discusses their business goals in relation to EU- funded partnerships in new video

November 25th, 2021|Dissemination, Partner Interview, Partner news, Related Project News|

In a new video, iThera Medical CEO Christian Wiest and CCO Philipp Bell discuss their R & D strategy and primary business goals in relation to the EU-funded research projects STARSTEM and EUPHORIA (, Related Project, grant number 830965). They describe the criteria and key performance indicators used to forge and evaluate partnerships: the organizational structures, types of partner organizations and processes that support iThera’s primary business goals.

Special thanks to Christian and Philipp for sharing their thoughts on and vision for success.



1110, 2021

NUI Galway team publishes in Stem Cell Research & Therapy

October 11th, 2021|Dissemination, News, Partner news, Publication|

Congratulations to the STARSTEM team at TOMI and REMEDI at NUI Galway of Soorya James, Kai Neuhaus, Mary Murphy and Martin Leahy on their recent paper published in Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 Sep 25;12(1):511. doi: 10.1186/s13287-021-02576-3. The open-access review titled: ‘Contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging: a review of stem cell tracking’ appeared in the journal on September 25th, 2021.

Download the pdf here.

Soorya James, TOMI at NUI Galway comments: ‘It was a pleasure to collaborate with REMEDI […]

2709, 2021

Will Hotham receives St Catharine College, Cambridge University Prize for Distinction in Research 2021

September 27th, 2021|News, Partner news|

Congratulations are in order! PhD candidate Will Hotham at the University of Cambridge has been awarded the St Catharine College, Cambridge University Prize for Distinction in Research 2021 for his work within STARSTEM.

St Catharine Prizes for Distinction in Research recognise the achievements of third-year doctoral students in the Arts and Humanities, or the Social Sciences, or the Physical and Biological Sciences. The prizes are traditionally awarded each summer in recognition of their students’ exceptional academic achievements and their significant non-academic contributions to College life.

1309, 2021

STARSTEM presented at the European Society for Artificial Organs 2021 meeting

September 13th, 2021|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News|

Dr Josh Kaggie

On Saturday morning, September 11th, at the 47th ESAO Congress, Tissue Engineering (V) of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) 2021 conference, Dr Josh Kaggie, of the Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge, UK presented the STARSTEM project concept. Dr Kaggie’s talk entitled “Advanced imaging and stem cell tracking: a transversal enabling technology” was part of the Biomaterials, stem cells and enabling technologies for osteoarticular tissue regeneration session of the congress.

The ESAO virtual meeting was held 7-11 September 2021. The ESAO Congress gave delegates the opportunity […]

3008, 2021

New collaborative STARSTEM publication from NUI Galway and ICFO

August 30th, 2021|News, Partner news, Publication|

Congratulations to the team of researchers: Sergey Alexandrov, Anand Arangath, Yi Zhou, Mary Murphy, Niamh Dufy, Kai Neuhaus, Georgina Shaw, Ryan McAuley and Martin Leahy of NUI Galway Tissue Optics Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI), NUI Galway Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI and the Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO. The paper entitled: Accessing depth‑resolved high spatial frequency content from the optical coherence tomography signal was published open-access in Scientific Reports on August 24th, 2021.


2907, 2021

Summer days of the STARSTEM ESRs: Part 2

July 29th, 2021|News|

To better picture the post-graduate student lifestyle for anyone considering this path, we asked the STARSTEM early-stage researchers (ESRs) to provide a snapshot of their plans and summer 2021 frame of mind.

Until now I am still at work, but I am waiting to start my summer holiday.

I like summertime so much because I can spend a lot of time with my family and my boyfriend. We cannot see each other too much during the year because I work in Liguria, and they live in Tuscany.

Unfortunately, also this year we cannot go out of Italy due to the Covid-19 restrictions. So, my boyfriend […]

1507, 2021

Summer days of the STARSTEM ESRs: Part 1

July 15th, 2021|News|

Early Stage Researcher life is not all pipettes and desk work. To better picture the post-graduate student lifestyle for anyone considering this path, we caught up with the STARSTEM ESRs and assembled a short snapshot from each.

With the onset of summer and the relaxation of COVID restrictions in Ireland, I’ve been discovering new places to explore and venture out in and around Galway during the weekend. A few of my favourite places I’ve been to this summer are Cong and Roundstone. I’ve been also going for dips (very short ones, haha) in the sea with my friends and trying food from new restaurants and cafes […]

1806, 2021

STARSTEM publication news – Ultra Short Echo Time MRI of Iron-Labelled Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an Ovine Osteochondral Defect Model

June 18th, 2021|Dissemination, Partner news, Publication, STARSTEM|

Check out our latest lay summary of a recent STARSTEM publication, Ultra Short Echo Time MRI of Iron-Labelled Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an Ovine Osteochondral Defect Model.

Dr Joshua Kaggie, Dr Frances Henson and team members from the University of Cambridge recently had this open access journal article published in Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports is an open-access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciences, medicine and engineering.

We asked the team to discuss their work.

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

We would like […]

906, 2021

CE Mark awarded to iThera Medical’s second-generation MSOT Acuity Echo optoacoustic imaging system

June 9th, 2021|News, Partner news|

The Munich-based biomedical imaging company was awarded the CE Mark for its MSOT Acuity Echo imaging system, indicating conformity with health, safety and environmental protection for medical devices sold in Europe. Following the first CE mark for its optoacoustic imaging system MSOT Acuity in 2019, this newly CE-marked device now combines optoacoustic with ultrasound tomography.

“We are very excited about the CE certification of our MSOT Acuity Echo system. The integration of ultrasound imaging is key for clinical users of optoacoustics. With the imminent introduction of the strict MDR […]

106, 2021

STARSTEM publication news – Magnetic resonance fingerprinting of the pancreas at 1.5T and 3.0T

June 1st, 2021|Dissemination, Partner news, Publication, STARSTEM|

We are happy to share a new lay summary of a recent STARSTEM publication, Magnetic resonance fingerprinting of the pancreas at 1.5 T and 3.0 T.

Dr Joshua Kaggie and team members from the University of Cambridge recently had this journal article published in Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports is an open access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciences, medicine and engineering.

We asked the team to discuss their work.

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

We would like to acquire MRI data faster […]

2505, 2021

Prof. Frank Barry elected as member of the Royal Irish Academy

May 25th, 2021|Partner news, University News|

Professor Frank Barry, STARSTEM PI and NUI Galway academic, has been elected as a member of the Royal Irish Academy, Ireland’s leading body of experts in the sciences and humanities.

Prof. Barry was among 27 new members admitted to the academy by Dr Mary Canning, President of the Academy, in a virtual ceremony last Friday (21 May 2021). New members are elected for their exceptional contribution to the sciences, humanities and social sciences as well as to public service.

Frank Barry is Professor of Cellular Therapy at the Regenerative Medicine Institute […]

2405, 2021

Partner news: Dr James MacKay, University of Cambridge, wins 2021 ISMRM Young Investigator Award

May 24th, 2021|Related Project News, STARSTEM, University News|

Congratulations are due to Dr James MacKay of the University of Cambridge and the University of East Anglia, who recently won the 2021 ISMRM Young Investigator Award for their paper, “Three-Dimensional Surface-Based Analysis of Cartilage MRI Data in Knee Osteoarthritis: Validation and Initial Clinical Application“. This is a highly prestigious award to only one investigator at the largest MRI conference with nearly 6,000 attendees.

Dr Josh Kaggie, STARSTEM researcher and MRI physicist, was the second author on the abstract and has collaborated with MacKay for many years. The abstract tackles the clinical application […]

1705, 2021

Interview with Jaber Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, TUM

May 17th, 2021|Dissemination, Partner Interview, Partner news, STARSTEM|

In this instalment of our ‘STARSTEM researchers’ series, we talk to Dr Jaber Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, who recently defended their PhD at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

The Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI or Munich imaging) of the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Munich, Germany, is a multi-disciplinary academic research structure strongly integrated with the Chair of Biological Imaging at the Technical University of Munich. IBMI scientists develop next-generation imaging and sensing methods to measure previously inaccessible properties of living systems, hence, […]

2604, 2021

Prof. Mary Murphy talks about the AutoCRAT project at OActive conference, April 23, 2021

April 26th, 2021|Conference presentation, Knowledge transfer, Partner news, Related Project News|

Prof. Mary Murphy, H2020 AutoCRAT project Coordinator and STARSTEM PI recently talked about AutoCRAT at the OActive conference on the 23rd of April.

Prof. Mary Murphy is a Professor in Regenerative Medicine at the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) in the National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland. Their talk was titled “AutoCRAT: for automated manufacturing of novel, next generation regenerative therapies for osteoarthritis.”

AutoCRAT is focused on delivering new cell and cell-based therapies for osteoarthritis (OA) and joint repair using sustainable sources of cells, and developing a closed, scalable […]

303, 2021

iThera hosts EUPHORIA Webinar: Optoacoustic imaging in inflammatory bowel disease

March 3rd, 2021|Knowledge transfer, Partner news|

On Thursday, March 4, 2021 (3:00 PM – 4:00 PM GMT), iThera Medical is hosting a webinar ‘Optoacoustic imaging in inflammatory bowel disease.’ Here, Prof. Dr med. Maximilian Waldner, Professor of Functional Imaging in Medicine at the Erlangen University Hospital, will outline his work in the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) field and the use of MSOT as an emerging modality for non-invasive IBD imaging as well as introduce the first multi-centre clinical trial, EUPHORIA.

EUPHORIA is an EU Horizon 2020 project (grant agreement No. 830965.) coordinated by our partners at

203, 2021

William Hotham joins the Student Network for EVs

March 2nd, 2021|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, Partner news|

University of Cambridge Ph.D. student Will Hotham recently joined the Student Network for EVs. This is a virtual network run by students with a goal to connect scientists and extracellular vesicle (EV) research students internationally. Will told us about his role in the network:

I am proud to now be a member of the recently formed Student Network for EVs. My role is to source students from across the globe who work in the field of extracellular vesicles and encourage them to present at an International Journal Club hosted by Ken Witwer. I […]

103, 2021

STARSTEM virtual plenary meeting and review

March 1st, 2021|News, Plenary meeting, STARSTEM, Uncategorised|

The STARSTEM team gathered online on the 25th and 26th of February for our 7th plenary meeting. Once again, we came together virtually for this bi-yearly meeting. This time around, we recorded the meeting and will send the recordings to our reviewers and Project Officer so that they can check in on our progress to date.

Project Coordinator Prof. Martin Leahy, of TOMI-NUI Galway welcomed the team and thanked them for their continued collaboration. Over the two day meeting, we discussed nanostar synthesis; the production of cell therapies within STARSTEM, including Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and […]

2302, 2021

Lasers and Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine, Martin Leahy invited talk at NLS Indore, India

February 23rd, 2021|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM Coordinator, Prof. Martin Leahy, gave an online lecture at the annual National Laser Symposium (NLS) that is organised by the Indian Laser Association  (ILA).

The 29th National Laser Symposium, 20th in a series sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences of the Department of Atomic Energy, was organised in collaboration with the Indian Laser Association and Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore during February 12-15, 2021.

Lasers and Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine Abstract:

Regenerative medicine promises to reverse blindness, lameness, organ failure and many other diseases, often by introducing stem cells to the affected site. However, they have not yet fulfilled their potential, […]

802, 2021

A Sprinkling of Gold Dust – Fairytale or Modern Science

February 8th, 2021|Knowledge transfer, Partner news, Related Project News, STARSTEM|

STARTEM PhD student Will Hotham of the University of Cambridge recently published an article titled, “A Sprinkling of Gold Dust – Fairytale or Modern Science” in the Cambridge BlueSci magazine special 50th edition.

The article discusses the many uses of gold, from drug delivery to renewable energy. You can read the full article online.



1901, 2021

Introducing Mengyu Wang, research assistant at REMEDI

January 19th, 2021|Partner Interview, Partner news, University News|

This month, we welcome Mengyu Wang to the STARSTEM project. Mengyu recently started a new job in REMEDI at NUI Galway.

The Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) is a world-class, state-of-the-art research biomedical research centre, whose main focus is stem cell research. REMEDI delivers crucial basic research programmes on adult stem cells including mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells, immunology underpinned cell therapy, and tissue engineering efforts.

Tell us about your background and research interests

I am a research assistant with a MSc of Cellular Manufacturing and […]

112, 2020

Interview with Will Hotham, CAM

December 1st, 2020|Dissemination, Partner Interview, STARSTEM|

Prize for best talk at the division of trauma and orthopedic surgery away day 2019

In the fourth instalment of our ‘STARSTEM researchers’ series, we reached out to Will Hotham of the University of Cambridge (CAM) to find out more about tracking MSC and extracellular vesicles in large animals.

The University of Cambridge team working on STARSTEM is comprised of researchers from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Division of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (DTOS) in the Department of Surgery, the Department of Medicine and from the Department of Radiology. The group has an excellent track record in […]

3011, 2020

NUI Galway hosts cell and EV imaging webinar, December 10, 2020

November 30th, 2020|Partner news, Related Project News, STARSTEM|

Join REMEDI as they host the webinar “Real-Time Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Research Tools With The Potential For Clinical Use” on December 10, 2020, at 2 pm GMT.

Click here for free registration:

Fluorescence-guided surgery, a real-time intraoperative navigation modality, enables surgeons to precisely discriminate boundaries between lesions and healthy tissue.

In this webinar, Prof. O’Shea of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland will present research on a novel class of NIR-fluorophores (BF2-azadipyrromethene) as an attractive tool for the identification of different anatomical features. In addition, this fluorophore has also shown high biocompatibility […]

2511, 2020

Will Hotham fundraising for Teenage Cancer Trust

November 25th, 2020|Partner news, STARSTEM|

Best of luck to Will Hotham, PhD student at the University of Cambridge, who is fundraising throughout November for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Will is doing is own spin on the November 3000 press-up challenge.  He is pushing himself to do 3000 press-ups, 6000 sit-ups and run 100 miles in November.

So far Will has done 2,500 press-ups, 5000 sit-ups and run 82.5 miles! He has managed to raise an incredible £535.

2411, 2020

Interview with Arantxa Albornoz, ICFO

November 24th, 2020|Dissemination, Partner Interview, STARSTEM|

In the third instalment of our ‘STARSTEM researchers’ series, we reached out to Arantxa Albornoz of ICFO to find out more about nanoparticle optimisation and the STARSTEM nanostar.

Created in 2002, ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences is located in the Mediterranean Technology Park in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and hosts more than 350 researchers, organized in 26 research groups in 60state-of-the-art research laboratories.

Prof. Romain Quidant (formerly ICFO, now ETH Zürich), Dr Ignacio de Miguel and Arantxa Albornoz Grados were responsible for the optimisation of production of […]

311, 2020

Three projects on cell tracking systems establish joint collaboration

November 3rd, 2020|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, Related Project News, STARSTEM|

On the 2nd of November, three Horizon 2020 European research projects funded under the call Nanotechnologies for imaging cellular transplants and regenerative processes in vivo met online to discuss collaboration opportunities. The meeting counted on the collaboration of the coordination teams of STARSTEM, iNanoBIT, and nTRACK but also communication and dissemination experts.

After a tour de table, each project briefly presented itself including the technical objectives and partners. Then, common challenges were discussed, especially regarding regulatory and toxicological aspects. Last, joint communication opportunities were listed […]

211, 2020

New related project – PORSAV

November 2nd, 2020|Partner news, Related Project News|

STARSTEM is happy to share news of a new project, H2020 PORSAV, which started on the 1st of November 2020. The project is being coordinated by Pallaire and STARSTEM partners Pintail.

An R&D project to develop new technology to protect surgeons and patients from COVID-19 has received €2.4 million funding from the European Commission. The rapid 18-month consortium project, PORSAV, is being led by Irish medical technology SME Palliare and project manager Pintail Ltd, in collaboration with University College Dublin, as well as Polish medical device […]

2810, 2020

Interview with Dr Marta Nardini, Università di Genova

October 28th, 2020|Dissemination, Partner Interview, STARSTEM|

In the second instalment of our ‘STARSTEM researchers’ series, we reached out to Dr Marta Nardini of the Università di Genova (UNIGE) to find out more about cells and extracellular vesicles for therapeutic applications and researcher life during Covid-19.

Two UNIGE departments are involved in the STARSTEM project. The Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale (DIMES) brings many years of experience and expertise in cell production and animal models of regenerative medicine to the project. The Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (DIMI) involves 12 disciplinary scientific fields […]

2110, 2020

Prof Martin Leahy NUIG seminar on “Enabling diversity at research group, consortium and scientific society level”

October 21st, 2020|Knowledge transfer, Related Project News|

STARTEM coordinator, Prof Martin Leahy, will give a virtual seminar today as part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy at NUI Galway‘s College of Science and Engineering.

Title: “Enabling diversity at research group, consortium and scientific society level”

Professor Martin Leahy’s research group is involved in several projects at the European level and has participated in Consortium that have won European awards for outreach in science aimed at improving diversity. Professor Leahy will present his research team’s EDI work and he will also present an EDI framework developed by the SPIE International Society for Optics […]

1910, 2020

GISM “Next Generation” webinar 2020

October 19th, 2020|Knowledge transfer, Partner news|

As part of the Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (GISM), STARSTEM PI Prof. Milena Mastrogiacomo and their colleagues are organising a webinar on “public and industrial research on MSC, in Italy and abroad”.

The webinar will comprise a constructive and informal debate between authoritative representatives of the public- and industrial-research on MSC, in Italy and abroad. This event will be provided in the Italian language and will be held on the 22nd October 2020 8.00 – 11.00 BST.

The Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group […]

610, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – The Optimisation of Deep Neural Networks for Segmenting Multiple Knee Joint Tissues from MRIs

October 6th, 2020|Partner news, Publication, STARSTEM|

We are happy to share a new STARSTEM publication – The Optimisation of Deep Neural Networks for Segmenting Multiple Knee Joint Tissues from MRIs.

Dr Joshua Kaggie and team members from the University of Cambridge recently had this journal article accepted to Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. The journal acts as “a source for the exchange of research results concerning algorithmic advances, development, and application of digital imaging in disease detection, diagnosis, intervention, prevention, precision medicine, and population health”.

We asked the team to discuss their work.

What were you aiming […]

110, 2020

Interview with Dr Vijay Raghavan, TOMI Physics

October 1st, 2020|Knowledge transfer, Partner Interview|

We posed a few questions to Dr Vijaya Raghavan of TOMI, NUI Galway to gain their views on their work in nanophotonics and STARSTEM.

TOMI (Tissue Optics & Microcirculation Imaging) was created as a core unit of the National Biophotonics and Imaging Platform Ireland (NBIPI); the mission of the TOMI laboratory is to promote better healthcare through research and advancements in biophotonics technology.

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your role within TOMI.

I am an Applied Physicist with a PhD in Nanophotonics. With TOMI’s varied […]

2409, 2020

Dr Joshua Kaggie talk on “Fast Quantitative Imaging with MR Fingerprinting” at Imperial College London

September 24th, 2020|Dissemination, Partner news, STARSTEM|

Today, 24 September 2020, Dr Joshua Kaggie presented on new fast, quantitative imaging techniques to MRI Physicists at Imperial College London. Twelve people attended. Better imaging techniques may help us detect osteoarthritis and other diseases more accurately, which can improve the development of new treatments.


209, 2020

Will Hotham to give ‘rapid fire talk’ at the UK and German EV symposium this September

September 2nd, 2020|Conference presentation, Knowledge transfer, STARSTEM|

Best of luck to Will Hotham, PhD student at the University of Cambridge who will give a rapid fire talk tomorrow at the jointly hosted German (GSEV) and UK (UKEV) EV Autumn Symposium #GSEVUKEV2020.

During the rapid fire talk session five early stage researchers, selected from the abstracts boil down their results to present in 5’ plus 3’ Q&A. The organising committee selects the best talk to receive an award.

Will shared his thoughts on this virtual meeting.

In […]
1307, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – Nanosensitive optical coherence tomography to assess wound healing within the cornea

July 13th, 2020|Dissemination, Publication, STARSTEM|

We are delighted to share a new STARSTEM publication – Nanosensitive optical coherence tomography to assess wound healing within the cornea. Team members from the TOMI, NUI Galway recently published this article in Biomedical Optics Express. The journal’s scope encompasses fundamental research, technology development, biomedical studies and clinical applications.

We asked the team to discuss their work.

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

The aim of the study is to demonstrate the capability of nsOCT to detect structural changes deep in the cornea following superficial corneal injury and subsequent healing.

Why is this important?

Studying nanoscale structural […]

607, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – Nanoscale structure detection and monitoring of tumour growth with optical coherence tomography

July 6th, 2020|Dissemination, Publication, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM members from the TOMI, NUI Galway recently published a new article called Nanoscale structure detection and monitoring of tumour growth with optical coherence tomography in the journal of Nanoscale Advances.

We asked the team to discuss their work.

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

Proposed research demonstrated detection of depth resolved submicron structure with few nanometre accuracies and quantified its alteration as tumour growth in mammary fat pad (MFP).

Why does this research need to be done?

Early detection of cancer can save millions of lives. It is known that tissue goes through submicron structural changes […]

607, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – Effectively Measuring Exercise-related Variations in T1ρ and T2 Relaxation Times of Healthy Articular Cartilage

July 6th, 2020|Dissemination, Publication, STARSTEM|

Congratulations to Joshua Kaggie and the team at the University of Cambridge on the acceptance of their article for publication in Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Their article, ‘Effectively Measuring Exerciserelated Variations in T1ρ and T2 Relaxation Times of Healthy Articular Cartilage’ is currently in press and assesses exercise-induced changes in femoral, tibial and patellar articular cartilage composition and compares these against measurement repeatability. 


Background: Determining the compositional response of articular cartilage to dynamic joint loading using magnetic resonance imaging […]

2906, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – Noninvasive detection of nanoscale structural changes in cornea associated with cross‐linking treatment.

June 29th, 2020|Publication, STARSTEM|

We are delighted to share a new STARSTEM publication – Noninvasive detection of nanoscale structural changes in cornea associated with cross‐linking treatment. Team members from the TOMI, NUI Galway recently published this article in the Journal of Biophotonics, the first international journal dedicated to publishing original articles and reviews from the exciting field of biophotonics.

We asked Yi Zhou, lead author of Noninvasive detection of nanoscale structural changes in cornea associated with cross‐linking treatment to discuss their work.

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

The proposed method […]

2206, 2020

BIGSS 2020 Virtual Summer School (August 25th – 29th 2020)

June 22nd, 2020|Partner news, Related Project News|

Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) 2020 – Virtual Summer School (August 25th – 29th 2020)


BIGSS 2020 summer school will go virtual this year. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday 18th of July 2020 and authors will be notified by the 28th of July 2020.

BIGSS 2020 will include

  • Five day lectures by renowned researches (Details of topics given below)
  • Highly interactive online poster sessions
  • Live Q&A sessions within the web conferencing platform

The registration fees have been considerably reduced to enable remote access to the widest audience as possible, namely:

–   The registration fee for […]

2206, 2020

STARSTEM virtual plenary meeting

June 22nd, 2020|News, Plenary meeting, STARSTEM|

The STARSTEM team gathered online on the 11th and 12th of June for our sixth plenary meeting. Travel restrictions due to Covid-19 meant that we came together virtually for this bi-yearly meeting. Despite restrictions, it was a lively meeting that was facilitated by many cups of tea and coffee.

The meeting began with some positive well wishes from STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, of TOMI-NUI Galway. Over the two day meeting, we discussed nanostar synthesis; the production of cell therapies within STARSTEM, including Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and the isolation of extracellular vesicles; the labelling of cell products; in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical work […]

2206, 2020

iThera Webinar: Multi-scale Clinical Optoacoustic Skin Imaging

June 22nd, 2020|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, Partner news|

STARSTEM partner, iThera Medical, is hosting a webinar on June 25th. The topic: Multi-Scale Clinical Optoacoustic Skin Imaging.

Dr Dinish U. S and Dr Chris Ho of the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) will present on the use of Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) to study morphological and functional changes associated with skin cancers in 2D and 3D. They will also describe the use of high-resolution Raster Scanning Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) as an investigative tool for inflammatory skin conditions as well as the outlook for OAI to aid clinicians in the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of skin disease.

Date: June 25th, 2020

Time: 1:00 PM BST / […]

2005, 2020

iThera Webinar: Optoacoustics and Optical: Complementary Modalities for Molecular Imaging

May 20th, 2020|News, Partner news|


Both optoacoustic and optical imaging are biophotonic imaging technologies. While optoacoustic imaging yields information about light absorption from both endogenous tissue chromophores and optical contrast agents, optical imaging only provides information from extrinsically administered agents by means of light emission (fluorescence or bioluminescence). In terms of performance, optical imaging can serve as an easy-to-use screening tool with limited resolution and depth penetration, while optoacoustic imaging can probe biological questions in more detail and at greater depth. In this webinar, hear 10-minute presentations from three leading scientists who utilize both complementary imaging methods to study diseases on […]

605, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – Progenitor Cells Activated by Platelet Lysate in Human Articular Cartilage as a Tool for Future Cartilage Engineering and Reparative Strategies

May 6th, 2020|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Partner news, Publication, STARSTEM|

We are delighted to share a new STARSTEM publication – Progenitor Cells Activated by Platelet Lysate in Human Articular Cartilage as a Tool for Future Cartilage Engineering and Reparative Strategies. Several of our team members from the University of Genova recently published this article in Cells, an international peer-reviewed open access journal of cell biology, molecular biology, and biophysics.

Experimental design of cell cultures (articular chondrocytes (ACs) and chondro-progenitors (CPCs) from human articular cartilage biopsies. Figure 1. Experimental design of […]

505, 2020

Regenerative Medicine Network publishes EU-MSC2 meeting report featuring STARSTEM

May 5th, 2020|Partner news, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM results were presented at EU-MSC2, a bi-annual event, organized by the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands. The meeting assembles researchers, clinicians and cell product developers working within EU-sponsored research consortia, that focus on mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) therapy for immune-related disorders and tissue regeneration. EU-MSC2, a much-anticipated event provides excellent opportunities for networking, exploring new funding opportunities and the dissemination of results contributing to MSC knowledge-sharing, research and development.

STARSTEM Coordinator Professor Martin Leahy, of TOMI, National University of Ireland Galway, talked about our project in his September 6, 2019 talk entitled:  […]

1504, 2020

iThera Medical’s MSOT demonstrates excellent visualization of lymphatic vessels at the bedside

April 15th, 2020|News, Partner news|

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, iThera Medical’s MSOT Acuity Echo system provided real-time three-dimensional (3D) imaging of lymphatic vessels. This is the first study to use MSOT with a handheld probe to assess lymphedema in patients. In this paper, Guido Giacalone and their team compared Indocyanine Green (ICG) lymphography, the traditional method for identification of lymphatic vessels, to MSOT 3D imaging.

Lymphedema is the long-term swelling of tissue, that normally affects the arms or legs and their extremities. It is a chronic condition that results from impaired lymph nodes – typically as […]

3003, 2020

STARSTEM publication news – The use of large animals to facilitate the process of MSC going from laboratory to patient—‘bench to bedside’

March 30th, 2020|Publication, STARSTEM|

Congratulations to Will Hotham and Frances Henson on their recent review paper, ‘The use of large animals to facilitate the process of MSC going from laboratory to patient—‘bench to bedside’‘.  The paper was recently published in the International Journal of Cell Biology and Toxicology.

The review illustrates how mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have been translated to man through large animal models. Two very different examples were used— myocardial disease (where one gold standard large animal model has been used in one species to show efficacy) and osteoarthritis (where multiple species and models have been used). […]

1203, 2020

Our sister project EUPHORIA releases “MSOT to better monitor IBD” video

March 12th, 2020|Dissemination, News, Partner news, Related Project News|

Our “Related Project“, EUPHORIA ( has just released an explainer video.

EUPHORIA is an EU Horizon 2020 project (grant agreement No. 830965.) coordinated by our partners at iThera Medical GmbH. EUPHORIA project partners are creating a better, less invasive way to monitor and manage inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using multispectral optoacoustic tomography technology (MSOT) specially adapted for this purpose.  This is a novel imaging process, combining lasers and ultrasound, with the promise of better diagnostic ability in IBD than current care. […]

903, 2020

Knowledge Transfer: iThera Medical visits U of Cambridge for MSOT training, March 2020

March 9th, 2020|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

The iThera MSOT Echo system was installed on February 12th, 2020 in the Barcroft Imaging Centre in West Cambridge. This system is a non-invasive optoacoustic imaging platform with the ability to take high-resolution optical imaging deep inside tissues. Within STARSTEM this means that healing can be tracked over time in a non-invasive way.

Dr Joshua Kaggie, University of Cambridge reports, “This was after a very hectic week, resulting in cancelled flights from Munich to London due to very bad weather!  Dr Thomas Sardella,

503, 2020

The STARSTEM 2020 newsletter is out 📣

March 5th, 2020|Dissemination, STARSTEM|

We are happy to share the next instalment in our newsletter series! Download the full newsletter or find previous versions on our media page.

Excerpt: STARSTEM is addressing major technology gaps to enable imaging of stem cells at clinically relevant depths. Our nanostar-enhanced multi-modal imaging approach will enable us to detect stem cell engraftment and tissue repair, and thus their activity and efficacy as a therapy.

We do this by using nanoparticles with novel optical properties. Gold nanostars will be attached to bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and extracellular vesicles (EVs) prior to their administration in a joint affected with osteoarthritis. We […]

203, 2020

Upcoming Event! Imaging of atoms and anatomy with Magnetic Resonance Imaging

March 2nd, 2020|Dissemination, STARSTEM|


📌 Register now to learn about the physics behind MRI and hear how we use MRI in STARSTEM.
🔬 Cambridge Science Festival @camscience
📍 Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Robinson Way
🗓️ 22 March 13:15 GMT
📋 Learn more and register

Dr Martin Graves, Dr Joshua Kaggie and Dr Ferdia Gallagher, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, discuss the physics behind Magnetic Resonance Imaging. They show how these principles are used to image human anatomy and detect disease and how […]

1702, 2020

STARSTEM Research Presented at Photonics West in San Francisco

February 17th, 2020|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof. Martin Leahy, researcher Dr Sergey Alexandrov and PhD students Aaron Croke and Soorya James, along with other members from the TOMI research group at NUI Galway, presented their research at the Photonics West conference in the Moscone Conference Centre in San Francisco from the 1st to the 6th of February, 2020.

On Sunday, Prof. Martin Leahy gave a talk on the heart rate app, “Heart rate app at 10: How to write a biophotonics app that reaches more than 500 million people”, that was developed previously by the group and how it has impacted 10 years on from its […]

1501, 2020

STARSTEM meets at the Technical University of Munich

January 15th, 2020|Dissemination, Partner news, Plenary meeting, STARSTEM|

The STARSTEM team gathered in Munich on the 9th and 10th of January to mark the mid-way point of the project. The Technical University of Munich hosted the meeting at TranslaTUM in Munich, Germany. We are now two years into a four-year project.

The meeting began with a warm welcome from STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, of TOMI-NUI Galway. Over the two day meeting, the team discussed scale-up of our nanostar synthesis from small laboratory volumes to large batch production; the production of cell therapies within STARSTEM, including Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and the isolation of extracellular […]

1112, 2019

STARSTEM research presented at UK Society for Extracellular Vesicles meeting in London

December 11th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

STARSTEM PI Dr Frances Henson and University of Cambridge PhD student William Hotham presented at the UK Society for Extracellular Vesicles (UKEV) meeting on December 9th and 10th, 2019. On the first day, Fran presented: “Extracellular Vesicles for therapeutic use”. Will’s talk was titled: “Comparing Extracellular Vesicles produced by Bone Marrow Mesenchymal stromal cells of Various species and showing interspecies uptake”. The two-day meeting was held at the Francis Crick Institute in London.

Will reports: “On the second day I presented my work in a “lightning talks” session […]
2611, 2019

STARSTEM Research presented by REMEDI NUI Galway Researchers at RESTORE Horizon meeting, Berlin

November 26th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News|

A poster entitled: Investigation of Nanostar-Labeled Mesenchymal stem cells for in vivo Cell Tracking in Osteoarthritis using Optoacoustic Imaging depicting work by Niamh Duffy, Georgina Shaw, Declan Byrnes, Soorya James. Martin Leahy and Mary Murphy was presented at the RESTORE: 1st Advanced Therapies Science meeting in Berlin, Germany held on November 25 and 26, 2019.

Prof Mary Murphy, of REMEDI, NUI Galway states that the poster gathered a lot of interest at the meeting.


1211, 2019

STARSTEM presented at OCT Workshop at Interphotonics 2019 meeting in Turkey

November 12th, 2019|Uncategorised|

Dr Sergey Alexandrov of  TOMI  NUI Galway presented STARSTEM during an invited talk during an OCT workshop at the Interphotonics 2019 meeting in Antalya, Turkey. Sergey’s talk, “Visualization of sub-micron structure using nano-sensitive optical coherence tomography”was delivered on November 5, 2019. Approximately 40 people attended Sergey’s presentation.

This 2nd International Conference on Photonics Research: Interphotonics 2019 took place from November 4th-9th. Interphotonics 2019 is a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in Photonics Research.

111, 2019

Two STARSTEM PIs present at the nTRACK Project Open Day, Cambridge

November 1st, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

STARSTEM PIs Dr Mary Murphy and Prof Martin Leahy of REMEDI and TOMI at NUI Galway were two of the invited speakers at the nTRACK Project Open Day 2019 meeting in Cambridge, the UK on October 30th 2019. See the meeting agenda here. Approximately sixty invited researchers were in attendance. Participants were by and large engaged in research related to the nTRACK project.

nTRACK received funding from the same “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology” (NMBP-2017) EU work programme as STARSTEM. The project uses mouse, rat […]

3010, 2019

Interview with the author: Spatial frequency domain correlation mapping OCT for nanoscale structural characterization

October 30th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, Publication, STARSTEM|

We asked Sergey Alexandrov, lead author of the STARSTEM publication Spatial frequency domain correlation mapping optical coherence tomography for nanoscale structural characterization about their recent Applied Physics Letters Journal article. Here is Sergey’s interview:

What were you aiming to find out in this publication?

Development of the new technologies for visualization of the sub-micron structure with nanoscale sensitivity to structural changes.

Why does this research need to be done?

For both the fundamental study of biological processes and early diagnosis of pathological processes, information about nanoscale tissue structure is crucial. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly evident that 2D biology […]

2310, 2019

Dr Frances Henson, Uni of Cambridge presents STARSTEM research at ICRS meeting in Vancouver

October 23rd, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News|

At the recent International Cartilage Regeneration and Joint Preservation Society meeting (ICRS) held in Vancouver, Canada 4-9th October 2019, Dr Frances M.D. Henson, University of Cambridge was an invited speaker
( and gave a talk entitled ‘Best large animal models for cartilage repair research’.

Dr Frances Henson, University of Cambridge

Fran comments: “Our poster ‘In vivo MRI tracking of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in an ovine osteochondral model ‘ won one of only 2 Certificates of Merit so we were very pleased with […]

2309, 2019

ICTON 2019 proceedings feature STARSTEM research

September 23rd, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news, Publication, STARSTEM|

On September 19, 2019, The International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) published “Label Free Ultra-Sensitive Imaging with Sub-Diffraction Spatial Resolution”. This research carried out by STARSTEM’s NUI Galway-TOMI researchers was presented at ICTON 2019. This was the 21st such meeting and it took place July 9th- 13th in Angers, France.
The NUI Galway-TOMI paper is available at IEEE-Xplore Digital Library
2309, 2019

Partners iThera Medical host Optoacoustic Imaging Meeting in Essen

September 23rd, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

STARSTEM partners iThera Medical is hosting a one-day event: Optoacoustic Imaging Meeting 2019 at the University Hospital Essen in Germany on November 14, 2019. Enjoy a day of scientific talks on breakthrough research facilitated by iThera’s optoacoustic imaging systems. The meeting will run from 10:30- 17:30 and an evening reception will follow.

Registration is free.

View the meeting agenda and speakers’ list here.

Register here.


1809, 2019

The first STARSTEM Publication from NUI Galway- TOMI team

September 18th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Publication|

Congratulations to STARSTEM Coordinator Martin Leahy and Sergey Alexandrov of TOMI at NUI Galway on the publication of their study entitled: Spatial frequency domain correlation mapping optical coherence tomography for nanoscale structural characterization in Applied Physics Letters (Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 121105 (2019)). The open-access paper appeared online on 16 September 2019.

ABSTRACT Most of the fundamental pathological processes in living tissues exhibit changes at the nanoscale. Noninvasive, label-free detection of structural changes in biological samples pose a significant challenge to both researchers and healthcare professionals. It is highly desirable to be able […]

609, 2019

Congratulations to Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, TUM

September 6th, 2019|Partner news, University News|

STARSTEM PI Vasilis Ntziachristos, Chair of Biological Imaging at the Technical University of Munich has been awarded the Chair for International d’Excellence Blaise Pascal by the Régione Ile-de-France. Vasilis is a world-leading expert in optical imaging technologies with a focus on advancing optical and optoacoustic imaging techniques for biomedical discovery with a strong drive toward clinical translation.

The aim of the Chaires d’Excellence International program is to attract foreign and expatriate researchers to France by offering them, with the help of host organizations, substantial resources to carry out an ambitious project with visible impact and spin-offs for research and society.

Congratulations Vasilis!!

1208, 2019

Coordinator Leahy presents STARSTEM to AFSIN Network in Ghana

August 12th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, TOMI-NUI Galway was an invited speaker at the AFSIN Workshop at the University of the Cape Coast in Ghana. Martin delivered 16 talks in total to a group of 42 PhD students and 8 professors hailing from Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Burkina Faso.

One of the sixteen talks that Martin facilitated was a dedicated STARSTEM lecture on 23 July 2019.

The African Spectral Imaging Network (AFSIN) is a collaboration between physicists in eight African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal and Togo) and one Asian country (Sri Lanka). The […]

908, 2019

New STARSTEM poster page!

August 9th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Partner news, STARSTEM, Uncategorised|

Niamh Duffy discusses her poster, “NanoSTARS Imaging for Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritic Joints”, at TERMIS-EU 2019.

We have just uploaded the posters from our time at TERMIS-EU 2019 in Rhodes, Greece.

Check out our new project poster page where you can download a PDF version of the posters presented at the event!








2407, 2019

Sergey Alexandrov, TOMI-NUI Galway presents STARSTEM research at ICTON 2019 in Angers, France

July 24th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Partner news|

Dr Sergey Alexandrov of TOMI-NUI Galway gave an invited talk at the ICTON 2019 conference in Angers, France. ICTON 2019 took place from July 9th-13th 2019. At the 3rd Workshop on Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging and Sensing, Sergey’s talk entitled “Label free ultra-sensitive imaging with sub-diffraction spatial resolution” was delivered. This research presentation encompassed the work of an international collaboration of Sergey Alexandrov1, Nandan Das1, James McGrath1, Peter Owens2, Colin J. R. Sheppard3, Francesca Boccafoschi4, Cinzia Giannini5, Teresa Sibillano5, Hrebesh Subhash6, and Martin Leahy1 .

ICTON is the International Conference on Transparent Optical […]

2207, 2019

Congratulations to TUM who remain in top form as a “University of Excellence”

July 22nd, 2019|Dissemination, News, Partner news|

In December 2018, there was the inspection of Technical University of Munich (TUM) premises for a substantial award based on excellence criteria initiative. A federal and state-level inspection to designate the “University of Excellence” status has been ongoing annually in Germany since 2006.

To showcase TUM’s research portfolio this year, a STARSTEM exhibit was prepared where their role within the project and multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) were highlighted.

It was announced on 17 July 2019, that TUM received the award of “University of Excellence” yet again, for the third […]

1807, 2019

ESRs present their research at the University of Cambridge STARSTEM Review meeting

July 18th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News, Plenary meeting, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) representing all partner institutions created posters based on their most recent work. Posters were displayed for presentation to all partners and the reviewers at the plenary meeting held on July 12th, 2019. The gathering was graciously hosted by our partners at the University of Cambridge.

Project Manager Dr Victoria Macarthur, Pintail Limited comments:

“Congratulations are due to our ESRs who put on a fantastic poster session – it even helped researchers from outside of their own institutes to get a better insight into what the rest of the team is doing. Finally, big thanks […]

1707, 2019

STARSTEM Coordinator Leahy reflects on the STARSTEM Review, University of Cambridge

July 17th, 2019|Dissemination, Plenary meeting, STARSTEM, University News|

The STARSTEM consortium gathered from all points in Europe at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. for the fourth plenary meeting on July 12th, 2019. Alongside the meeting where updates and future plans were discussed, a thorough project review took place.

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, TOMI-NUI Galway shares his reflections on the meeting below. The visiting research groups were particularly struck by the sight of Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree on campus.

Sir Isaac Newton’s Apple Tree

“As a young physics student with an interest in medicine, […]

1507, 2019

CE Mark awarded to iThera Medical’s MSOT Acuity optoacoustic imaging system

July 15th, 2019|News, Partner news|

iThera Medical was recently awarded the CE Mark for its MSOT Acuity imaging system, indicating conformity with health, safety and environmental protection for medical devices sold in Europe. This non-invasive, novel technology allows radiation- and contrast-agent-free imaging of soft tissue. It combines laser excitation and ultrasound detection for the analysis of haemoglobin, lipids, collagen and other chromophores in tissue.

The Acuity system is used for optoacoustic imaging without ultrasound. iThera Medical has now started working on the certification of the Acuity Echo system which will provide both optoacoustic and […]

307, 2019

STARSTEM PhD student Will Hotham, CAM wins best presentation award

July 3rd, 2019|Dissemination, News, Partner news|

The University of Cambridge Division of Trauma and Orthopedics Surgery Away Day was held on June 27, 2019, at Homerton College Cambridge. There, STARSTEM PhD student Will Hotham was awarded a prize for the best 3-minute presentation pitched for a lay audience. Will’s talk which was titled: “What did the stem cell say to the chondrocyte…..” where he discussed how extracellular vesicles (EVs) can allow communication between stem cells and chondrocytes. Will, pictured below, reports on the experience:

Pictured: Will Hotham, University of Cambridge PhD student

You have three minutes to present your work to a […]

2406, 2019

“Optoacoustic guidance for stem cell therapy” at ECBO 2019, Munich

June 24th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News, Partner news|

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy of TOMI-NUI Galway presented: “Optoacoustic guidance for stem cell therapy” today, June 24, 2019, at the ECBO 2019 meeting in Munich. The ECBO, European Conference on Biomedical Optics, assembles scientists, engineers, and clinicians who work with optics and photonics to solve problems in biomedicine.

Approximately 90 delegates attended Martin’s session which was part of the 3-day conference spanning 23-27 June 2019 in the International Congress Center in Munich. Download the technical programme for the ECBO meeting here.

1906, 2019

Save the date: iThera hosts Optoacoustic Imaging Meeting, Essen, November 14, 2019

June 19th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, Partner news|

Mark your calendars! The University Hospital, Essen Germany is the venue for the 2019 Optoacoustic Imaging (OAI) Meeting 2019 hosted by STARSTEM partner iThera Medical. The meeting consists of scientific talks, an opportunity to learn about new imaging technologies forthcoming from iThera’s pipeline, and time to network.

Date: November 14th, Essen, Germany

Time: 10am – 5pm plus dinner & drinks

Location: University Hospital Essen, Hufelandstraße 55, 45122 Essen

Overall, this meeting will be a great opportunity to learn more about Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) and Raster Scanning Optoacoustic Mesography (RSOM), iThera’s novel imaging technologies. If […]

706, 2019

STARSTEM researchers present their latest work at TERMIS-EU 2019, Rhodes

June 7th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News, Partner news, University News|

STARSTEM researchers from NUI Galway and Universitá Degli Studi di Genova presented their latest work at TERMIS-EU 2019. This meeting was held from the 27th- 31st of May 2019 on Rhodes, Greece. This year’s theme was ‘Tissue Engineering Therapies: From concept to clinical translation and commercialisation’.

Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, TOMI-NUI Galway chaired Session 6, Microscopy and Imaging. Also, Martin delivered an invited talk entitled Nanosensitive imaging of tissue constructs and cells on May 27, 2019. TERMIS-EU offered the opportunity to attend several interesting talks; one highlight for Martin was that by Jeanne Volatron (Paris Diderot University) titled Life cycle of inorganic nanoparticles in the […]

2905, 2019

Vipal Gujrati, TUM presents STARSTEM and his latest work at Streetlife Festival, Munich

May 29th, 2019|Dissemination, News, Partner news, STARSTEM, University News|

STARSTEM partners at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) organized an exhibit at the public Streetlife Festival in Munich which took place on May 25 and 26, 2019. At the festival, STARSTEM’s Dr Vipul Gujrati presented his work on biological nanoparticles for theranostic application which was published in Nature Communications earlier this year. The title of Vipul’s presentation was “Bioengineered Cells Derived Vesicles for Theranostic Application”





Researchers from different areas (Mechanical engineering, Astrology, Biomedical etc) were invited to present their work and participate in a question-and-answer session. The purpose of the festival is to […]

105, 2019

Partner news: iThera Medical Announces Strategic Partnership to Enhance in vivo Imaging Capabilities with MSOT

May 1st, 2019|News, Partner news|

On 30 April 2019,  STARSTEM partner iThera Medical GmbH and Invicro LLC, a Konica Minolta company, announced a unique partnership with the placement of the MSOT inVision platform in Invicro’s in vivo laboratory at its headquarters in Boston, USA. The companies will come together to uniquely offer pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic sponsors services from the optoacoustic platform that will identify and quantify disease-related biomarkers at both a molecular and anatomical level through pre-clinical full body tomographic scans.

Invicro was founded in 2008 to improve the role and function of imaging in translational drug discovery and development across all therapeutic areas. Today, Invicro’s multi-disciplinary team provides solutions to pharmaceutical and […]

2703, 2019

STARSTEM researchers exhibit at popular Cambridge Science Festival

March 27th, 2019|Dissemination, University News|

Will Hotham, PhD candidate at the  University of Cambridge in the Division of Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery at Addenbrooke’s Hospital explains the STARSTEM exhibition at the recent Cambridge Science Festival which ran from March 11-24, 2019. PI Dr Frances Henson, Mr Stephen McDonnell, Dr Joshua Kaggie and William Hotham created and managed the public exhibition: FROM STEEL TO STEM CELLS: THE FUTURE OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY?

“I would say there were about 1,000 people who attended our stall. This is a broad estimate. Everyone seemed very interested! We explained using a STARSTEM poster that outlines the project work. The parents/adults seemed very interested in the work. We asked […]

1103, 2019

Partner publication: Vipul Gujrati publication on Cancer Imaging in Nature Communications

March 11th, 2019|Dissemination, STARSTEM|

Dr Vipul Gujrati and the team at TUM have published an article on optoacoustic imaging using bioengineered bacterial vesicles as a contrast enhancement medium.

The team used outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), which are vesicles, or structures, that are released from the bacteria. They are released from the outer membranes of bacteria and can transport various cargo such as proteins, enzymes, and toxins, and signaling molecules, and they enable bacteria to communicate with the environment around them.

In their paper, entitled “Bioengineered bacterial vesicles as biological nano-heaters for optoacoustic imaging“, Vipul’s team customised OMVs to carry a package that could help enhance optoacoustic imaging […]

603, 2019

L’Università di Genova PIs organise “Research Challenges for Clinical Application of MSCs” meeting

March 6th, 2019|Dissemination, News, STARSTEM, University News|

As part of the Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (GISM) at the University of Genoa, our STARSTEM partners Drs Milena Mastrogiacomo and Chiara Gentili, and their colleagues are organizing a conference on the 4th and 5th of April 2019: “Research Challenges for Clinical Application of MSCs”. The two-day meeting will take place at the Centro Congressi IST Nord – Ospedale Policlinico San Martino in Genoa.

The Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (GISM) was formed in October 2014 by 53 founding members, most of whom are […]

2802, 2019

Knowledge Transfer: Defining requirements for multimodality co-registration techniques

February 28th, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News|

In order to start developing multimodal co-registration techniques, optoacoustic and MRI data were acquired for the same object.

At iThera in Munich, Germany on the 14th of February 2019, Dr Thomas Sardella, Senior Application Specialist at iThera Scientific (ItS) met with Drs Vipul Gujrati and Jaber Malekzadeh from the Technical University of Munich, (TUM).  The purpose was to image Thomas’ hand using an Acuity imaging system and an MSOT inVision 256-TF small animal imaging system. They used multiple hand and transducer orientations. Both optoacoustic imaging systems (Acuity and inVision) have a concave transducer array which acquires optoacoustic signals and naturally co-registers reflective ultrasound […]

2702, 2019

STARSTEM at the Cambridge Science Festival 2019

February 27th, 2019|Dissemination, News, University News|

University of Cambridge researchers will showcase STARSTEM at the Cambridge Science Festival which runs from March 11- 24th 2019. PI Dr Frances Henson, Dr Joshua Kaggie and William Hotham have created and will manage the public exhibition on Sunday, March 24th entitled: FROM STEEL TO STEM CELLS: THE FUTURE OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY?

Dr Frances Henson is an orthopaedic veterinary surgeon and expert in large-animal studies at the University of Cambridge. Dr Joshua Kaggie is an MRI physicist at the University of Cambridge who is developing novel imaging biomarkers for osteoarthritis. Will Hotham is a PhD student working […]

1302, 2019

STARSTEM shines at SPIE Photonics West meeting in San Francisco

February 13th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News|

Dr Sergey Alexandrov and Prof Martin Leahy, both of the Tissue Optics & Microcirculation Imaging Group, (TOMI) NUI Galway presented STARSTEM findings at the International Society for Optics and Photonics’ BiOS 2019 meeting which took place  2-7 February 2019 in San Francisco, USA.

  • STARSTEM  – optimizing nanostars for stem cell tracking presented by Martin J. Leahy on 2 February 2019
  • Functional imaging with light and sound including microcirculation presented byMartin J. Leahy on 2 February 2019
  • Ultra-sensitive label free imaging below the resolution limit presented by Sergey Alexandrov on 3 February 2019 
  • Label free imaging and sub-voxel sensing of biological structures presented byMartin J. Leahy on 3 February 2019

With 2,500 papers and […]

1202, 2019

STARSTEM plenary meeting hosted by ICFO, Barcelona

February 12th, 2019|Plenary meeting, STARSTEM|

The STARSTEM partners assembled in Barcelona for a plenary meeting hosted by PI Prof. Romain Quidant and his team at ICFO. The meeting was held on January 10th and January 11th 2019.

Coordinator Martin Leahy of NUI Galway and Romain Quidant opened the meeting, welcoming the team and highlighting the achievements of the team over the first year of the project.

STARSTEM team meets at ICFO, Barcelona January 10 and 11The STARSTEM nanostar has been optimized to help ensure that it will work as a suitable and effective contrast agent when tracking our cells. Batches of […]

3101, 2019

Coordinator Leahy inspires the next generation of stem cell scientists with a multidisciplinary approach

January 31st, 2019|Dissemination, Knowledge transfer, News|

On Thursday afternoon, 31 January 2019, Prof Martin Leahy, STARSTEM Coordinator facilitated an interactive lecture at the National University of Ireland Galway which was arranged as part of a series of inspiring talks for the Master of Sciences in Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy course. Martin’s talk: “STARSTEM: Reaching for the stars to drive stem cell therapy” was well-received and more than 50 staff and students attended the talk. Dami Arosomade, a student in and Class Representative of the MSc in Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy course remarked: “His lecture was very enlightening and provided a deeper insight into the role […]

2801, 2019

Sergey Alexandrov presents STARSTEM at MSI 2019, Dublin

January 28th, 2019|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News|

NUI Galway TOMI researcher Dr Sergey Alexandrov presented at the Microscopy Society of Ireland 2019 meeting which took place at the University College Dublin on January 15th and 16th, 2019. The body of work presented by Sergey at this annual meeting included STARSTEM findings. The presentation was entitled “Label free microscopy with sub-diffraction resolution and nano-sensitivity” with authorship by Sergey Alexandrov,1,* James McGrath,1 Colin J. R. Sheppard,2 Francesca Boccafoschi,3 Cinzia Giannini,4 Teresa Sibillano,4 Hrebesh Subhash,5Josh Hogan,6 and Martin Leahy.1

The MSI Winter Symposium 2019 brought together microscopy users and specialists across a broad spectrum of the life, physical, and instrumental sciences from […]

1701, 2019

U of Cambridge’s Josh Kaggie on Festival of Genomics’ life sciences data handling panel

January 17th, 2019|Dissemination, News, University News|

On Thursday, January 24, 2019, STARSTEM researcher Dr Joshua Kaggie of the University of Cambridge will participate in a panel discussion at the Festival of Genomics in London, U.K. The 30-minute session entitled ‘The Rapidly Emerging Role of AI in Handling Increased Volumes of Unstructured Data’ will take place at the Business Design Centre, Theatre 3 from 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM. It is expected that more than 2000 people […]
901, 2019

Coordinator Martin Leahy, NUI Galway presents STARSTEM in India

January 9th, 2019|Dissemination, News, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy of the Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI) Lab at the National University of Ireland Galway was an invited lecturer at the Indian Institute of Science Education And Research Kolkata, and at the Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT). Martin’s talk was entitled “Reaching for the stars to drive stem cell therapy”. The two lectures took place in January 2019 in Mohanpur, West Bengal and in Kuttanad, Alleppey, India, respectively. More than 170 members of the scientific research community were in attendance.

1212, 2018

STARSTEM findings presented by Prof Leahy, NUI Galway at ICOBSI, Florence

December 12th, 2018|Conference presentation, Dissemination, News, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy of the Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI) Lab at the National University of Ireland Galway will deliver a plenary talk at the International Conference on Bio-Sensing and Imaging (ICOBSI). The meeting is taking place on the 17th-19th of December 2018 in Florence, Italy. This meeting is supported by NANOMAX.

Martin’s talk entitled “Imaging strategies for stem cell tracking in large animals and humans”will be part of the “Molecular & cellular imaging and mechanisms” session on Tuesday, the 18 of December, 09.00-11.00.

3010, 2018

Knowledge transfer: Surgical techniques from U of Cambridge to TUM

October 30th, 2018|Knowledge transfer, News|

Two researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) recently visited the University of Cambridge’s Division of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (DTOS) in the Department of Surgery, Department of Veterinary Medicine to learn new surgical techniques as part of the STARSTEM project.  From left to right, TUM researchers Uwe Klemm and Pia Anzenhofer in the laboratory with Will Hotham, PhD student from the University of Cambridge.

While in Cambridge, Pia and Uwe also visited The Eagle pub where the double helix structure of DNA was confirmed and tried fish and chips for the first time. Unfortunately, they also got the best of the English […]

310, 2018

iThera’s MSOT technology: Optoacoustics in Medicine

October 3rd, 2018|Knowledge transfer, News|

Prof Malini Olivo’s group in A*STAR , Singapore, produced an informative video to highlight their recent research activities with iThera’s Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) and Raster-Scanning Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) technologies. The short film was released in conjunction with the announcement of the Singapore BioImaging Consortium (SBIC)iThera Medical Imaging Centre partnership. The video demonstrates several case studies using optoacoustics which will also be adopted within STARSTEM to monitor tissue healing.

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We congratulate our partner iThera Medical on the opening of the joint Singapore BioImaging Consortium (SBIC)iThera Medical Imaging Centre!

SBIC is one of ten research institutes of the Biomedical Research Council […]

2609, 2018

PI Prof Frank Barry gives keynote at Zoobiquity Colorado conference

September 26th, 2018|Conference presentation, STARSTEM|

On October 5 and 6, 2018, Zoobiquity Colorado: Connecting Human and Animal Health through Regenerative Medicine will take place. Here, STARSTEM PI Prof Frank Barry of the Regenerative Medicine Institute at the National University of Ireland Galway will deliver a keynote presentation, ‘Cell Strategies for Arthritic Disease’.

Zoobiquity Colorado aims to uncover the astonishing connection between human and animal health by highlighting laboratory and clinical research of human and veterinary investigators and fostering future collaboration across disciplines.

409, 2018

Prof Frank Barry takes STARSTEM on the road

September 4th, 2018|Conference presentation, Knowledge transfer, STARSTEM|

STARSTEM PI Professor Frank Barry of the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at NUI Galway has had a busy 2018 thus far. He has organised and been invited to present at several conferences, provide keynote talks and lead seminars around the world raising the profile of STARSTEM internationally within academic and industrial circles.

Here is a list of events:

Speaker on August 17 2018: Georgia Tech CMaT Annual Retreat, Madison WI, USA
Invited Seminar on July 23 2018: Colorado State University Veterinary Orthopaedic Centre Fort Collins, CO, USA
Keynote Speaker on July 6 2018: Whitaker Bioengineering Symposium, Galway, Ireland
Keynote Speaker; Conference and workshop organiser on June 28 2018: CALIN […]

108, 2018

STARSTEM consortium meets in Genoa

August 1st, 2018|Plenary meeting, STARSTEM|


All STARSTEM partners assembled in Genoa for a 6-month meeting hosted by PIs Dr Chiara Gentili of the University of Genoa (UNIGE) and Dr Milena Mastrogiacomo of Biorigen (BIO). The meeting was held over 2 days, July 19th and 20th, 2018.

New team members Jaber Malekzadeh Najafabadi (TUM), Arantxa Albornoz (ICFO, and Marta Nardini and Simonetta Carluccio (both from UNIGE) were present and introduced to the partners.

Progress updates and future plans were presented. Action points were reiterated by Coordinator Martin Leahy of NUI Galway and the meeting concluded with an open discussion about the next steps to be taken. ICFO have agreed to host the next meeting in […]

2106, 2018


June 21st, 2018|Conference presentation, Knowledge transfer, STARSTEM, University News|

As an invited speaker, NUI Galway Regenerative Medicine Institute PI Mary Murphy presented STARSTEM at the CÚRAM Centre for Research in Medical Devices annual retreat which took place on June 20, 2018, in Naas, Co Kildare in Ireland.

CÚRAM supports industry from basic scientific research, through translational preclinical and clinical development, into regulatory and commercialisation readiness. The CÚRAM Centre is coordinated at NUI Galway but has partners spanning Ireland.

1206, 2018

Dr Joshua Kaggie presents STARSTEM studies at ISMRM-ESMRMB meeting in Paris

June 12th, 2018|Conference presentation, STARSTEM|






Dr Joshua Kaggie, a post-doctoral researcher, of the University of Cambridge will present a large body of research at The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)-  European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) conference in Paris which runs from 16-21 of June 2018. Dr Kaggie is an author or co-author of eleven accepted abstracts (four of which are talks), joint with Dr Frances Henson and Dr Martin Graves of the University of Cambridge.

Notably, Josh’s abstract entitled “Magnetic Resonance Tracking of Iron-Labeled Stem Cells After Osteochondral Defect in Ovine Model” presents results […]

105, 2018

STARSTEM is presented at SPIE Photonics West Exhibition 2018, San Francisco

May 1st, 2018|Conference presentation|

VJ Raghavan of the Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI) Lab at the National University of Ireland Galway presented STARSTEM at the SPIE Bios Photonics West conference which ran from 27 January- 1 February 2018 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, USA.

Photonics West is the largest laser, photonics, and biomedical optics conference. This year it attracted 23,000 attendees, six well-known symposia, and 4,900 R&D presentations which covered a wide range of papers on biomedical optics, biophotonics, translational research, industrial lasers, 3D printing, optoelectronics and microfabrication.

Read more about VJ’s presentation entitled “Plasmonic gold […]

1904, 2018

ICFO- NUIG TOMI knowledge transfer in Barcelona: not all fine weather and paella

April 19th, 2018|Knowledge transfer, STARSTEM|

‘Hola, ¿cómo estás?’, ‘muy bien’, ‘buenos dias’, ‘buenas noches’….

With such a “wide range” of Spanish vocabulary, I was excited when we partnered with ICFO (The Institute of Photonic Sciences) for the STARSTEM proposal. I knew, rather was hoping, I would get a chance to visit Barcelona to get a bit of much-needed Vitamin-D that is in “trophies won by the Liverpool FC in recent past”-level short supply in the soon-to-be European Capital of Culture, Galway City. Oh yea, also to get some work done at Romain’s (Quidant) Nano-optics lab!

What did I do there?
1801, 2018

STARSTEM Kick-Off Meeting

January 18th, 2018|STARSTEM|

STARSTEM kicks off in Galway

A two-day kick-off meeting took place on January 17th and 18th at the National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway’s north campus. The meeting was hosted by the project Coordinator, Prof. Martin Leahy and post-doctoral researcher V. J. Raghavan of the Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI) group. All partner organizations were in attendance: the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at NUI Galway, Universitá degli Studi di Genova, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), University of Cambridge, Fundacio Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques (ICFO), Ithera Medical GmbH, Pintail Limited, and Biorigen SRL.

The STARSTEM team gathers at NUI Galway.

Herein, partners […]

1001, 2018

In the news: STARSTEM media coverage

January 10th, 2018|STARSTEM|

STARSTEM in the media

STARSTEM featured across Irish media in late November 2017, after securing funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020.  The project was featured on the web and in print after distribution of the NUIG press release (Irish Examiner, Irish Tech News, as well as multiple national newspapers) as well as on the EC Radio Ireland podcast.

Ruth Deasy of the EU Commission says the award is a major boost for the reputation of NUIG.

“NUIG will be leading a team of European universities at this cutting-edge project which is imaging for stem cell therapy, focusing very much on osteoarthritis in the […]

701, 2018

STARSTEM: A Novel Imaging Platform for Regenerative Medicine

January 7th, 2018|STARSTEM|

Welcome to the new STARSTEM website

The European Commission has awarded a €6 million project grant to our consortium, led by Professor Martin Leahy of the Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging (TOMI) group at NUI Galway, to develop a novel imaging platform for regenerative medicine. This new project will allow researchers and eventually, doctors, to detect and measure the healing effects of novel stem cell therapies, even where they occur under the skin.

Professor Martin Leahy, Coordinator of STARSTEM
and the Director of TOMI at NUI Galway.

Regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies provide unique opportunities for treating a wide range […]

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