The STARSTEM team came together in Barcelona for our final plenary meeting on the 22nd and 23rd of June 2022. The meeting was hosted by Ignacio de Miguel and the team at ICFO.

Ignacio de Miguel and Coordinator Martin Leahy of NUI Galway opened the meeting, welcoming the team and thanking everyone for their collaboration during the course of the project.

STARSTEM uses nanotechnology to understand how stem cells and extracellular vesicles (EVs) lead to healing. The STARSTEM nanostar will help unlock the hallmarks of the healing process. This new knowledge will give researchers and doctors new insight into how regenerative medicine can treat osteoarthritis and a wide range of human diseases.

The team discussed the exciting results from that past couple of months, including how we have used our nanostar to label and track cell products and how we have used optoacoustic imaging (in particular MSOT) to see where cells and EVs go when they are used to treat osteoarthritis.