Mark your calendars! The University Hospital, Essen Germany is the venue for the 2019 Optoacoustic Imaging (OAI) Meeting 2019 hosted by STARSTEM partner iThera Medical. The meeting consists of scientific talks, an opportunity to learn about new imaging technologies forthcoming from iThera’s pipeline, and time to network.

Date: November 14th, Essen, Germany

Time: 10am – 5pm plus dinner & drinks

Location: University Hospital Essen, Hufelandstraße 55, 45122 Essen

Overall, this meeting will be a great opportunity to learn more about Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) and Raster Scanning Optoacoustic Mesography (RSOM), iThera’s novel imaging technologies. If interested in either hands-on experience with these imaging technologies or a demonstration on either November 14th or 15th, please let iThera know and a slot will be booked for you. You can register for the OAI Meeting here.