STARSTEM will be represented by our young researchers at the upcoming MSI/SMS Joint Symposium – NUIG 2022. The meeting, which is jointly run by the Microscopy Society of Ireland (MSI) and the Scottish Microscopy Society (SMS), will run from the 6th to the 8th of April 2022 in Galway, Ireland. The symposium is hosted by the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and will bring together researchers from around the world for discussions on microscopy themes such as advances in image analysis, instrumentation development, life and physical sciences, along with many other microscopy applications.
Historically, the symposium has provided an excellent forum for young researchers (particularly at postgraduate level) to present their data and findings at a conference. Niamh Duffy of REMEDI in NUIG will give a talk on “Investigation and Characterisation of NanoStar-Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells for in vivo Cell Tracking in Osteoarthritis using Optoacoustic Imaging” on the 7th of April. Soorya James of TOMI in NUIG will give a poster presentation on “Bioconjugation of gold nanostars for active targeting and tracking of extracellular vesicles” on the same day.
For more information on the symposium visit the official website or register for tickets at eventbrite.