STARSTEM researchers from NUI Galway and Universitá Degli Studi di Genova presented their latest work at TERMIS-EU 2019. This meeting was held from the 27th- 31st of May 2019 on Rhodes, Greece. This year’s theme was ‘Tissue Engineering Therapies: From concept to clinical translation and commercialisation’.
Coordinator Prof Martin Leahy, TOMI-NUI Galway chaired Session 6, Microscopy and Imaging. Also, Martin delivered an invited talk entitled Nanosensitive imaging of tissue constructs and cells on May 27, 2019. TERMIS-EU offered the opportunity to attend several interesting talks; one highlight for Martin was that by Jeanne Volatron (Paris Diderot University) titled Life cycle of inorganic nanoparticles in the organism: Biotransformation and biodegradation. Niamh Duffy, Mary Murphy and Martin met with her to discuss STARSTEM. The meeting also provided opportunities to network, and meet with international principal investigators to discuss a Horizon 2020 proposal.
Niamh Duffy, REMEDI-NUI Galway presented the STARSTEM poster “NanoSTARS Imaging for Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritic Joints” on May 29th. Niamh reported: “There were a lot of interesting talks and it was a busy week! At TERMIS, the major theme of the meeting was bone and cartilage engineering and different applications of stem cells. There were a lot of interesting talks, particularly on osteoarthritis and the potential of mesenchymal stem cells to treat the disease. There weren’t many discussions on the topic of stem cell imaging/tracking in vivo. There was one interesting talk given by Jeanne Volatron from the Paris Diderot University in France, about the long term fate of iron oxide nanoparticles in the organism. Martin and I met with Jeanne and we had a good conversation about both iron oxide and gold nanoparticles in terms of cellular uptake and their bio-distribution and fate in vivo. We hope to stay in contact with Jeanne and her team, with the potential of Jeanne travelling to Galway to present her work and demonstrate some relevant techniques.”
In addition, STARSTEM research was presented by Simonetta Carluccio and Marta Nardini from Universitá Degli Studi di Genova. Simonetta’s poster was entitled ” 3D-printing of
platelet-rich plasma-based ink for cartilage tissue regeneration” and Marta gave an oral presentation based on her PhD presented “Sericin, alginate and platelet lysate combined in a biomembrane for the treatment of skin ulcers.”
TERMIS is highly important to scientists, clinicians and industries interested in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine therapies that aspire to revolutionise healthcare with their reparative capacity.
View the entire TERMIS-EU 2019 conference programme and abstracts here.
TERMIS is the most prominent organisation in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine globally. TERMIS promotes education, research, innovation, clinical translation and social responsibility within the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine through regular meetings, training courses, scientific and lay publications, outreach activities and other forms of communication. TERMIS also provides an international forum for the informed discussion of challenges and achievements of tissue engineering therapies.