Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties


The Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (DIMI) was founded in 1991. From the beginning it represented a very complex reality in terms of scientific-disciplinary sectors and medical operative units, in which three inseparable institutional activities were combined: scientific research, didactic commitment and medical assistance. The realization of these activities is made possible by the inclusion of DIMI.

In the context of the University of Genova and anchored to the Public Health of the Liguria Region in the Ospedale Policlinico San Martino. The Department of Internal Medicine involves 12 disciplinary scientific fields that widely cover the field of internal medicine, medical specialties and translational medicine, making cross-integration of research possible: oncology; cardiology; pneumology; gastroenterology; endocrinology; nephrology, clinical immunology; rheumatology; pharmacology and applied biology. This connotative composition has provided the DIMI with a unitary scientific and training approach, focused on the study of different aspect of pathologies of medical-internist interest. In fact, the biological and pathological complexity of the organism is studied, albeit from different optics, with the clear awareness that a pathological event borne by an apparatus always has repercussions affecting the whole organism. Therefore, the “internist eye”, which acts as a glue to the various optics (the different medical specialties), makes it possible to integrate and make common the scientific interests most strictly pertaining to each of the specialist components insistent in the Department.

University of Genoa

The UNIGE is an Italian state university founded in 1481, located in the historic center of Genoa, with offices located in various cities of Liguria. UNIGE is a public institution provided with scientific, educational, organizational and financial autonomy and it is involved in the building of a European area for research and advanced professional training.

University of Genoa in STARSTEM

Prof. Maddalena Mastrogiacomo and the DIMI team will lead the pre-clinical experimental work in STARSTEM, including the production of and optimisation of stem cells and culture medium.


Specialist for therapeutic solutions in tissue regeneration.