As part of the Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (GISM) at the University of Genoa, our STARSTEM partners Drs Milena Mastrogiacomo and Chiara Gentili, and their colleagues are organizing a conference on the 4th and 5th of April 2019: “Research Challenges for Clinical Application of MSCs”. The two-day meeting will take place at the Centro Congressi IST Nord – Ospedale Policlinico San Martino in Genoa.

The Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (GISM) was formed in October 2014 by 53 founding members, most of whom are researchers from the most important Italian universities and research associations. At present, GISM includes several honoured, honorary, and supportive members. The main purpose of GISM is to promote the exchange of information between researchers working in the field of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), giving particular emphasis to research on the clinical applications of MSCs.

STARSTEM PI and ADIPOA-2 Coordinator Prof Frank Barry from the Regenerative Medicine Institute, REMEDI at the National University of Ireland Galway will be one of the speakers. In addition, there will be a STARSTEM exhibition there for researchers to learn about the project’s mission and research objectives.

Download the meeting programme here. Please click here for more information.